2025 Canvass Kick-Off - March 2nd

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Our Vision - Our Future

2025 Canvass

The 2025 Church Canvass kicks off on Sunday, March 2nd.  Annually we gather pledges for the support of the work of First Unitarian Church of St. Louis.

Plan to stay after the service on March 2nd for a Canvass Kick-Off Lunch featuring hearty homemade soups and pizza for children (if they prefer!).

Our canvass offers an opportunity to reflect on the church’s meaning in our lives as we re-commit time, energy and resources – as we chart the course of Our Vision - Our Future.

Young and old can commit financially to our future together as we work for love, decency, tolerance and justice in our church and community.

Your pledge packets will be available on Sunday morning March 2nd or mailed to you the following week.  You can pledge using the card in the packet or with our online pledge form.  If you have elected to have an automatically renewing pledge, your previous pledge amount will roll over – if you want to increase the amount please submit the pledge card or online pledge form. 

Thank you for your support -

Erin Milligan and Emily Jaycox, Canvass Co-Chairs