The Holy Ground Collaborative consists of seven Central West End congregations of various faiths, and one community group: First Unitarian Church, Central Reform Congregation, Cornerstone Institutional Baptist Church, Second Presbyterian Church, Trinity Episcopal Church, First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, plus M-SLICE (Metro St. Louis Coalition for Inclusion and Equity). This group promotes micro-lending for low income community residents, community action and social justice issues within the Central West End area of St. Louis with projects such as joint interfaith services and an annual music concert, cooperative family-friendly activities with nonprofit organizations, voter education drives, and reduction of lead poisoning. On a rotating monthly basis, member congregations also provide meals for the homeless population via the Hot Lunch program at Trinity Episcopal.
Holy Ground Lending Program
Holy Ground Lending Program: The Holy Ground Collaborative has an Emergency Lending Program for the express purpose of granting borrowers a Symbolic Shelter of Peace or refuge from the storm of life surrounding their current situations. Funds raised for the Holy Ground Lending Program come from donations solicited by member institutions. Loans of up to $500.00 are provided at no interest cost to borrowers who reside in Aldermanic Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 22, 26, 27 and 28. One must have a source of income to participate. The loans are repaid in eighteen months or less. We hope that each loan will transform its borrower’s situation into a successful outcome and that borrowers repay their loans in a timely fashion so others can benefit. As a side benefit, timely repayment may also help to improve the borrower’s financial credit standing and help them to become banked.
For more information (including how to apply for a lone) click HERE.
Contact: the Holy Ground Collaborative website at http://www.holyground-cwe.org for more information about the Collaborative.