Therese of Divine Peace Community
Mass on Saturday 5:00 p.m. in Hope Chapel
Our mission is to provide sacramental services and education in a climate of openness and inclusiveness where all are welcome and empowered, and to engage in charitable undertakings for the common good. Our community is one of equals, encountering and engaging the world in which we li
The Center for Pragmatic Buddhism
Meet in Hope Chapel Thursday evenings at 7 p.m.
The Center for Pragmatic Buddhism (CPB) is an established chapter in St. Louis that is looking to spread the relevance of Pragmatic Buddhism and meditation to others. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Our work is the synthesis of Nikayan (early Indian), traditional Chinese Chan and Japanese Zen Buddhism, and the American Pragmatist tradition, in what we call Pragmatic Buddhism.
We utilize Chan and Zen Buddhist practice methods that resonate with Westerners, including the central practice of sitting meditation (zazen). The Pragmatic Buddhist approach uses modern-day language to explain Buddhism's relevance to the contemporary Western lifestyle. In addition to regular sitting and meditation practices, OPB teachers give weekly dharma talks. We also engage in group discussions following the talks in an open forum atmosphere, where participants discuss their thoughts and views of issues pertaining to practice, philosophy, and everyday life.
A primary goal of our practice is to simplify the most meaningful methods so that open-minded persons can participate in the cultivation of mindfulness, personal development and share this through socially engaged Buddhism.
Central Reform Congregation
Shabbat School:
Shabbat School meets on Saturdays from 9:30-12:00 noon with a Family Service beginning at 9:30am. Pre-Kindergarten through second grade follow a curriculum of holidays, Bible, ethics, and values. Third through fifth graders attend God Talk, which raises questions and initiates discussions about God. Sixth graders attend services in preparation for becoming a Bar/Bat Mtizvah.
Challenges Unlimited provides year-around services for adults, age 21 and older with developmental disabilities, that focus on building skills to achieve greater self-sufficiency and independence.
Some of the communication and social skills are increased through a series of engagements and activities, role playing and through appropriate interpersonal interactions with one another. The program also promotes decision making and safety skills. In social settings, participants are drilled on handling money, the awareness of strangers and how to handle emergency situations. Participants are also taught about personal hygiene, fitness and cooking to increase their health and independence both in their home and in their communities. Individuals and their families rely on Challenges to teach skills that foster self-esteem, social and communication skills and independence. The program serves more than 100 male and females annually.