First Unitarian Church of St. Louis Seeks Organist

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First Unitarian Church of St Louis is a liberal faith community in the Central West End neighborhood with one Sunday service at 10:00 a.m.  We are seeking an organist/accompanist.  This is a unique position as:  1) The congregation appreciates excellent music.  Most opt to stay seated to listen to the postlude and applaud the performer at its conclusion.  2) The choir focuses on a wide variety of sacred and secular literature.   3) Our Dobson Opus 52 organ was built and installed in 1991 by highly-regarded organ builder Lynn Dobson Pipe Organs of Lake City, Iowa.  It is a two-manual, mechanical key and stop action instrument of 20 ranks (17 stops). The wonderfully clear, classic tone is supported by a free-standing white-oak organ case which focuses and projects the sound.  It is well-suited for both worship service and organ literature.  This capability is highly regarded by the congregation.  To apply, send cover letter and resume to (email hidden; JavaScript is required)

.  This job includes the option of applying for the position of music director/organist as well as organist.