New Member Bio - Meet Rachel Webb!

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Welcome New Member Rachel Webb!

Rachel Webb became a member of First Unitarian Church of St. Louis on May 7, 2023.  She was originally from the Detroit, MI, area and came to Missouri to attend the University of Missouri at Columbia.  In December of 2012, Rachel and her husband, Jim Wagner, moved to St. Louis, where he was from originally; they have lived here now for eleven years.  Their daughter, Cordelia, is eleven, is starting middle school this year, and is in the RE program at First Church.  


Rachel is a former journalist who has aspirations of being an author. She now works at SLU as a digital media specialist. Her job entails editing the web site, planning content, and working with social media; it is a growing field, and Rachel enjoys it very much.


Rachel's chief volunteer activity is being a Girl Scout leader for a troop of Cadettes and Seniors (ages 11-15).  Because she started volunteering during COVID, the troop has concentrated mostly on outdoor activities such as camping, but they are also involved in community service.  In her spare time, Rachel likes to go bike riding and to take her dog "Scout" (a Great Dane mix) on walks.


Rachel feels that St. Louis is not an easy place to be a transplant, so she came to First Church because she thought it would be a good place to seek out people of a like mind to hers.  She particularly likes the social justice aspect of the church and is interested in helping out with RE.


Welcome Rachel!