2023/2024 Water Communion Worship Service

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Sunday September 10th10am Water Communion Worship Service

Ingathering: We Got Here Together with Rev. Kim Mason

Each fall as we kick off the church year, we regather by combining water in a shared ritual. The water comes from many sources - mundane and extraordinary, near and far - symbolizing the literal and figurative journeys we've been on this summer, whether or not we ever left home. Join us for this annual tradition!

What is Water Communion? 

Water Communion, also sometimes called Water Ceremony, was first used at a Unitarian Universalist (UU) worship service in the 1980s. Many UU congregations now hold a Water Communion at the beginning of the new church year, including our congregation!

Members are invited to bring a small amount of water from a place that is special to them to the service. During the appointed time in the service, people one by one pour their water together into a large bowl. Rev Kim will read water source locations* during this time.  Locations must be submitted ahead of the service through the google form linked below.

*Water source locations must be submitted ahead of the service through this google form