Adult RE - Hindsight, Humor & Hope

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Hindsight, Humor & Hope

1st Wednesdays, 10:30 AM, October - March
In-Person at First Unitarian STL & Online

For some people, retirement from the workforce means that their adult identity and day-to-day life appear to vanish as familiar habits and connections are no longer there. For some, a lessening of family or work commitments opens time and energy for trying new roles and experiences. Hindsight, Humor, and Hope journeys with people as they begin to redesign their later years into a time of reflection, discernment, soul stretching, and new life possibilities. This gift of extended years finds many people becoming elders with deep personal questions such as, Who am I now? and What will I do that is meaningful? In six two-hour sessions, this program invites participants to develop deeper understanding and appreciation of their elder stage of life and the path they traveled to reach it.