Congregational Building Update Meeting (Sanctuary & Online)
Sunday 4/16 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
As many of you know, the Board has called a Special Congregational Meeting to vote on whether to take money from our endowment to pay for the RE Roof on April 23. According to the contract, the cost of the RE Roof I signed back in March was around $95k.
At our first information session, Kathy Wire (Stewardship Cluster Chair) suggested we take additional funds from the endowment to deal with other structural problems with the church. Based on that suggestion, the Facilities Committee has continued to look at ways to resolve our ongoing water problems. Their findings have been outlined by Clint Cruse (Facilities Cluster Chair) in a previous report that was published in our newsletter. Here is the basic summary:
The Facilities committee recommends an ask for $150k from the endowment for the following repairs:
RE Roof ~$98k
West Roof- ~$24k
Library Wall- ~13k
Gutters- ~$6k
Fellowship Hall Window Well~ $5k
Hosmer Bay repairs- ~$4k
The reason to focus on the water issue is to use the additional maintenance funds on other pressing matters at the church (like the concrete at the front of the building that is a safety concern). By paying for all of the above out of the endowment, we are putting ourselves in a better place to help our mission and focus on what is really important.
The Finance Committee has looked at that recommendation and agreed it would be prudent to take the higher amount out now so we do not have to make additional requests later. The entire Council has voted and believes it is prudent for the congregation to take out $150,000 from the endowment.
The Board met last Monday to discuss how much we should recommend taking out of the endowment. Taking into account Facilities, Finance, and the Council’s recommendations, the Board unanimously recommended we should ask the congregation to take $150,000 from the endowment.
The Board recognizes this is a higher amount than what we had discussed at our in person information session on 3/26. Therefore, we have scheduled an additional information session for this Sunday 4/16 at 11:30am. It will be conducted in the sanctuary and will be both in person and virtual.
Steve Wilke, Policy Board President