Update on Building Projects

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Update on Building Projects, by Clint Cruse, Facilities Cluster Chair

One definition of February’s First U theme “Resilience” is the ability to survive and rise above adverse situations.  We have several “resiliency” issues that must be addressed on our historic First U building complex if it is to continue to serve our congregation as it has for over a century. Facilities would like to update the congregation regarding a few building projects that are currently being evaluated.  

 Our tongue-in-cheek motto of the Facilities Cluster is, “Keeping the Roof Up and the Weeds Down”. So, it’s perhaps fitting that our number one priority – across the complex – is issues with roofing. 

The roofing surface on both the Religious Education (RE) building’s roof and the West flat roof (off Fellowship Hall) are well past their intended lifespan and are failing. In addition, it has been determined by roofing and plumbing professionals that the original design for the RE roof lacked adequate capacity. The existing drains cannot affordably be modified to accommodate the increased rainfalls we are seeing in recent times. The result has been water intrusion into the building. 

Stopgap repairs have been made in the past by volunteer groups but will not permanently correct the issues as extreme rainfall events in the last year have proven. Facilities considers the RE roof to be the most urgent project, and places top priority on this project in its triage of building issues. 

Deteriorated guttering, as well as damaged elements of the slate roof on the sanctuary and at the roofline of the Hosmer room bay window, are also being assessed and cost estimates being prepared. 

Water is entering our building complex at ground level as well. Intrusion of water through the library wall (the Southern façade of the sanctuary building) is ongoing and needs to be addressed.

The drain/grease trap servicing the kitchen is currently blocked. The blockage is being addressed by a cleanout service. It has yet to be determined if simply cleaning out the trap will address the situation or if the trap must be excavated and replaced, which is another significant project.

Bringing the buildings back to an acceptable level of maintenance and physical appearance impacts not only the health, safety, and worship and event experience of our congregation, but also our ability to make the complex available to community organizations and private individuals. Rentals have been a source of income to First U in the past. 

The facilities cluster is working with outside experts/contractors to find the best and most economical solutions to offer to the Council and Policy Board for consideration. With congregational support, we are confident that the First U building complex will be fully restored to faithfully serve our congregation and community immediately, and for the next century. 

The Facilities Cluster focuses on maintenance of the church building and grounds with the intent to provide a safe and welcoming environment for the church congregation, visitors and any who may wish to rent/utilize the space for other activities. Cluster members include Clint Cruse (Cluster Captain/Facilities Chair), Karen Siegrist and Lisa Cary (Landscaping Co-Chairs), John Cuntz, Tom Finan, Hunter Hart, Stan Birge, Jane Hoekelman, Alison Beehr, Rebecca Bolen, Luke Steffen in close partnership with staff liaison Lynn Hunt.