The Unfish Fry is coming! Friday March 10th from 5:30pm-7pm the Unfish Fry Crew will be serving an all vegetarian/vegan meal that will be open to the public. There will be live music, a wide selection of desserts for sale and beer/wine available for a donation. A great time is guaranteed for everyone!
Adult tickets are $10 and child tickets are $6. Tickets are available before the event on Sundays after Church Service at 11AM in Fellowship Hall, at the church office during office hours, or at the door.
If you are interested in helping in any way: from cooking at church or baking at home to selling tickets or helping wash dishes and cleaning up, please join us! Being part of the Unfish Fry crew is a great way for new or long-term members to have fun getting to know people. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall or sign up ONLINE, the Unfish Fry Crew needs you!