2023 Auction - Rekindle the Flame

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2023 Auction - Rekindle the Flame

Saturday February 4th, 5:30pm-9:30pm

TICKETS are now on sale!

In-person ticket for one - $35

In-person ticket for two (just saves registration time for couples) - $70

Volunteer ticket (for registered volunteers) - $25

Online attendance ticket (includes one raffle ticket) - $25

If you prefer to register without the online process, or if you have problems or questions about the technology, contact us at (email hidden; JavaScript is required)

Ticekts are also for sale in Fellowship Hall on Sundays.


Our 2023 Auction will take place on February 4—just a month away, and the “team” needs your help! We can’t have a successful event without your donations and volunteer support.

Join the Auction Team!

If you can help with one or more of these things, fill out the Auction Volunteer Form or email (email hidden; JavaScript is required)

  If we have already contacted you, you don’t need to sign up again.

  • Tech-comfortable volunteers. Are you good with apps on your computer or phone? Did you learn HubSpot or QuickBooks faster than your peers? Consider joining our team working on the church’s new online auction platform. Bonus points if you can teach your grandma how to work her I-phone. Opportunities include set-up and maintenance of the event on the platform and “night-of” work, including coaching others as they submit their bids online.

  • Check-in and check-out

  • Physical set-up and take-down. As always, we will need help setting up the auction (including work on Friday, February 3) and taking it down. 

  • Nutrition and hydration. Arranging for our food and drink. (Heavy hors d’oeuvres, no dinner.)

Donations Needed!

We can’t have an auction without valuable things and opportunities! Please consider donating and complete the Auction Donation Form or email (email hidden; JavaScript is required)

  • Silent auction items. Do you have a favorite restaurant, store, or service provider that might donate a “thing” such as a floral arrangement, dog grooming, or a mani/pedi? Perhaps they would give us a gift card. If you have an idea, email us so we can record it and make sure we don’t duplicate. Many businesses use these donations as part of their marketing.

  • Live auction items. Is your vacation condo or weekend getaway sitting empty sometimes? Can you donate airline or hotel points?

  • Member handiwork. If you knit, cook, paint, or create other neat and unique things, consider donating. (A special segment of the auction will highlight creations from our famed bakers!) In addition to completed goods, we will bid on creativity as a service: winners will contact the donor to arrange for the “product.” Can you contribute something of your own?

  • Cork pull. Find out if your fellow UUs love your favorite wine as much as you do. Donate a special bottle or two or more for our wine raffle. 

  • Sign-up experiences. Can you lead a bike tour through a special place? Or otherwise give the lucky buyers of an experience your wisdom and an opportunity to do something neat?