Cancelled - Social Responsibility Committee - Lessons in Volunteering (online)

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Thursday, May 16, 2024 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Decisions to volunteer in the community are generally motivated by the desire to do good and

do our best. Whether volunteering involves a one-time effort or a more sustained involvement

over time, thoughtful consideration of the volunteer role can make the experience more

personally satisfying as well as meaningful for the organizations with which we become


We invite you to join us in a discussion led by volunteers with combined experience in direct

service, program planning, and advocacy that will explore:

 What qualities or traits make for an effective volunteer?

 What information/knowledge sets the groundwork for a positive experience? What

helps us do our best?

 Setting realistic expectations

 Maintaining commitment over time and avoiding burnout

 How to reset if and when the reality of volunteering does not match expectations