Flower Communion

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Saturday, May 8, 2021 - 10:00am to Sunday, May 9, 2021 - 1:45pm

Flower Communion is a First Unitarian tradition celebrating the diversity of our church community and how we come together to form a beautiful whole. This year to honor this tradition we have two ways to participate 

In Person Flower Exchange 5/8 & 5/9: Bring a flower and drop by the church this weekend anytime 10 am to 2 pm Saturday May 8th and 1 pm to 4 pm Sunday May 9th. We'll have members of the worship committee on hand to facilitate your flower exchange. While you're there take a selfie with your flower for the flower communion video!

Flower Communion Photo: Even if you don't come to the church for the in person flower exchange, please take a selfie of yourself with a flower and send it to (email hidden; JavaScript is required)

 for a video and photo project to be shared on Sunday, May 16th. Please send photos by Wednesday, May 12th.

Whether or not you participate in advance, be sure and bring a flower to church on Sunday, May 16th when we'll have the chance to all share our flowers on Zoom!