Partner Church Committee [1]
The Partner Church Program's purpose is to maintain and expand the relationship between First Unitarian of St. Louis and our partner church in Csokfalva, Romania (in the region of Transylvania). In supporting our partner Unitarian church, we are promoting liberal religion, developing international friendships, learning about the historic roots of our own faith tradition, and creating opportunities within our own congregation for pilgrimage, hospitality and service.
On-going activities of our committee include: travel to and from Transylvania, financial assistance to students from our partner congregation attending Unitarian high school, university and seminary outside the village, supplementing our partner church minister's meager salary, and helping fund special projects.
At the core of this international program is the development of lasting friendships across national boundaries and, in our case, on the other side of the world in an area once considered a part of the "Soviet Bloc." A central element of the program is to create opportunities for face-to-face encounters with our co-religionists across the world.