Food Outreach Support [1]
First Unitarian has Three Primary Food Suppot Programs
Little Free Pantry

Located in the center of the church parking lot our Little Free Pantry has shelf stable staples along with basic necessities for our local friends and neighbors. To learn more about our Little Frre Pantry, check out this video: [2]
We welcome individuals, covenant groups and committees to take turns stocking the pantry by being responsible for checking pantry during a particular week and supplementing the contents. There is no set list of what to buy, just give what you can. The Sign-up Sheet [3] contains suggestions and "how to" instructions as well as "what not to buy" recommendations. Please sign-up here
Trinity Episcopal Food Pantry
Donations of canned and pre-packaged meats, vegetables and fruits along with personal care items are collected to benefit our local food pantry and Holy Ground Collaborative partner Trinity Episcopal Church. Congregants are encourage to make weekly donations. Several times through out the year, Sunday School classes will have special projects for collecting food as well.
Trinity Hot Lunch
The Trinity Food Ministry (TFM) sponsors a Sunday Hot Lunch, from 2:00 - 2:30 pm, 52 weeks out of the year unless Christmas falls on a Sunday. Parishes, churches, a synagogue and secular groups volunteer to provide food and to serve the Sunday meal. The Sunday meal is important to those whose last meal might have been the Thursday before or their next meal on an upcoming Tuesday. We serve an average of 95 people each Sunday. We offer food to those who are hungry and give drinks to those who thirst. We invite people to sit and rest. We respect the dignity of all human beings. First Unitarian prepares and serves the lunch three times a year. Often the high school Youth Group implements this project.