Social Justice [1]
Are you frustrated by current social inequities and assaults on civil rights? Are you feeling moved to “Do Something!”? Come join the Social Justice Committee as we find meaning and community in working together to create a better, more just, and equitable world. Activities include education, hands-on service, advocacy, witnessing and organizing. Currently we are focusing on housing and related issues and developing our relationship with Tabernacle Community Development Corporation. [2]The committee meets monthly, currently on the First Monday of the month at 6 PM, in person or on Zoom (check church calendar for specifics). All are welcome.
You do not have to attend committee meetings to participate in the projects coordinated by the committee. Any social justice event advertised in the church E-news is open to all, and sign-up sheets for activities that require them can be found in Fellowship Hall after the service.
For more information, see links below and/or contact the church office.
*Committee mission
The Social Justice committee engages in the spiritual work of advancing justice in our congregation and society by providing opportunities for engagement and collective action.
*Current and recent projects include:
*Social, racial, and economic justice
Tabernacle Community Development Corporation partnership [3]
Black Rights Matter Vigil every Saturday morning at 9 AM
First Unitarian Church slavery and reconciliation project (in collaboration with WashU and other congregations)
Microloan program (coordinated by the Holy Ground Collaborative of 6 neighborhood congregations) [4]
*Designated collections [5]
(monthly collections for local nonprofits suggested by congregants)
*Food Outreach [6]
Trinity Episcopal Food Program
Trinity hot lunch
Trinity pantry donations
Little Free Pantry in our parking lot (in coordination with the Program Council)
*Environmental Justice
Metropolitan Congregations United STL and Metro East air quality monitoring program (recently completed)
Litter pick-up quarterly on Forest Park Parkway from Skinker to Big Bend [7]
*Congregational Education
Working with Adult Religious Education on educational programming with a social justice lens