Services on YouTube [1]
Did you miss one of the online services? You can watch previous services on our YouTube channel [2] or simply click on the selected date and title of the service below for services led by Rev. Kim Mason. Enjoy!
2024/2025 Program Year Services with Rev. Kim Mason
Sunday, December 29th, 2024 - Fire Communion with Rev. Mason [3]
Order of Service [4]
Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 - Restful Presence with Rev. Mason [5]
Order of Service [6]
Sunday, December 15th, 2024 - Music Sunday with Rev. Mason and First Unitarian Choir [7]
Order of Service [8]
Sunday, December 8th, 2024 - No Rehearsal Pageant with Rev. Mason [9]
Order of Service [10]
Sunday, November 24th, 2024 - Cornbread Communion with Rev. Mason [11]
Order of Service [12]
Sunday, November 10th - Seeds of Healing with Rev. Mason [13]
Order of Service [14]
Sunday, November 3rd - The Colors of Grief with Rev. Mason [15]
Order of Service [16]
Order of Service [18]
Sunday, October 13th, 2024 - Hello, I'm Anxiety with Rev. Mason [19]
Order of Service [20]
Sunday, September 29th, 2024 - Wild Imagination with Rev. Mason [21]
Order of Service [22]
Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 - Life in the Balance with Rev. Mason [23]
Order of Service [24]
Sunday September 15th, 2024 -- Powered by Love with Rev. Mason [25]
Order of Service [26]
Sunday September 8th, 2024 - The Rhythm of the Rain - Water Communion with Rev. Mason [27]
Order of Service [28]
Sunday August 25th, 2024 - The Meaning of Everything with Rev. Kim Mason [29]
Order of Service [30]
2023/2024 Program Year Services with Rev. Kim Mason
Sunday April 14th Metro UU Collaborative Service with Rev Kim Mason
Our theme for the month of April is interdependence. We celebrate our web of connection with the three other UU congregations in the STL metro area by worshipping together from our respective sanctuaries.
Order of Service [44]
Sunday March 31st Transforming Love with Rev Kim Mason [45]
On this Easter Sunday we ask How does the Easter story transform us? Join us for a Unitarian Universalist celebration of hope, rebirth and renewal.
Order of Service [46]
In order to become a butterfly, a caterpillar goes through a complete metamorphosis. How do we embrace the transformations in our own lives? How do we tolerate the messiness of change so that we can emerge ready to fly?
Order of Service [48]
Sunday March 3rd Weaving Our Future with Rev Kim Mason [49]
The members of this congregation make up a beautiful tapestry. Each contribution adds color and texture. What is your contribution? How do our gifts weave together to build our future?
Sunday February 25th Football is Life with Rev. Kim Mason [51]
Following our October service, we'll once again visit the fictional world of Ted Lasso, where we'll explore lessons about equity and solidarity.
Sunday January 28th Ethic of Love with Rev Kim Mason [57]
bell hooks' classic, All About Love, defines an ethic of love which is the key to our collective liberation struggle. Where can we apply an ethic of love in our lives and communities?
Order of Service [58]
Sunday January 21st Make Channels for Streams of Love [59]
Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values. We continue our exploration of the proposed UU values with a month on the value of Love.
Order of Service [60]
Sunday January 7th Fire of Life with Rev Kim Mason [61]
Join us for our annual Fire Communion , where we begin the new year by releasing those things holding us back in our hearts and minds.
Order of Service [61]
Sunday December 24th Traditional Christmas Eve with Rev Kim Mason [62]
A joyful Christmas Eve service featuring lessons and carols for all ages, followed by cider and cookies in the Fellowship Hall
Order of Service [63]
Sunday December 17th - Children’s Christmas Pageant with Rev Kim Mason [64]
Join us for our traditional Christmas Pageant featuring participants in the First Unitarian religious education program. This is an all ages service.
Order of Service [65]
Sunday December 10th 2023 - 10am - The Mystery of Miracles with Rev. Kim Mason [66]
The winter holidays bring familiar stresses. When also dealing with loss or change, the holidays can feel more sad than festive. Together we acknowledge the challenges and seek solace in community.
Order of Service [67]
Sunday December 3rd 2023 - 10am - Music Sunday with Rev. Kim Mason and the First Unitarian Choir [68]
Our annual Music Sunday service featuring the First Unitarian Choir performing Schubert's Mass in G
Order of Service [69]
Sunday November 26th 2023 - 10am - Question Box with Rev. Kim Mason [70]
On the Sunday after Thanksgiving we participate in a UU tradition: the Question Box Service. Got a question about Unitarian Universalism? About church? About God or nature or belief? Life, death or the afterlife? Submit your burning questions to Rev. Kim who will answer them during the service!
Order of Service [71]
Sunday November 19th 2023 - 10am - Cornbread Communion: Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address [72]
Join us for our annual cornbread communion. This year we'll share a responsive reading of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address featuring members of all ages.
Order of Service [73]
Sunday November 12th 2023 - 10am - Wider Circles with Rev Kim Mason [74]
Mutual thriving is about the well-being and flourishing of all. We begin our exploration of the proposed UU values with a month on the value of Generosity.
Order of Service [75]
Sunday October 29th 2023 - 10am - Life in Plastic (It's Fantastic) with Rev Kim Mason [76]
This summer's blockbuster hit "Barbie" was written and directed by UU Greta Gerwig. On this Sunday before Halloween we'll examine the history and heritage of Barbie and the impact of the movie.
Order of Service [77]
Sunday October 15th 10am Pray Without Ceasing with Rev Kim Mason [78]
On October 15, 1826, Unitarian minister Ralph Waldo Emerson preached his first sermon, "Pray Without Ceasing." Emerson left the ministry in 1832, yet the impact of his writings on Transcendentalism shape Unitarian Universalism to this day.
Order of Service [79]
Sunday September 17th10am Answering the Call of Love with Rev. Kim Mason [80]
"Advancing Justice" is part of First Unitarian STL's mission statement, but what does that mean? This Sunday we'll explore five ways we engage with issues in our community and beyond.
Order of Service [81]
Sunday September 10th 10am Ingathering: We Got Here Together with Rev. Kim Mason [82]
Each fall as we kick off the church year, we regather by combining water in a shared ritual. The water comes from many sources - mundane and extraordinary, near and far - symbolizing the literal and figurative journeys we've been on this summer, whether or not we ever left home. Join us for this annual tradition!
Order of Service [83]
Sunday August 27th, 2023 10am My Resistance Playlist with Rev. Kim Mason [84]
Order of Service [85]
2022/2023 Program Year Services with Rev. Kim Mason
Sunday May 7th 10am Music Sunday with Rev. Kim Mason [86]
Join us for our spring music Sunday. The choir will celebrate with a performance of Mozart's Mass in D Major
Order of Service [87]
Sunday April 23rd The Language of Trees with Rev. Kim Mason [88]
On this Earth Day weekend we combat climate grief with lessons from trees on how to build connections that foster the mutual thriving of all.
Order of Service [89]
Sunday April 2nd Desert Journey with Rev. Kim Mason [90]
As the Israelites fled enslavement in Egypt, they left behind everything they knew. We explore the Passover story for lessons on surviving the grief that comes with any life transition.
Order of Service [91]
Sunday March 26th The Ministry of Both/And Redux with Rev. Kim Mason [92]
Simone de Beauvoir invites us to tolerate the ambiguity inherent in human nature and to focus our attention on an ethic of care rooted in advancing the freedom of all. How does such an ethic invite trust and expand possibilities for mutual thriving?
Order of Service [93]
Sunday March 19th Made for Joy with Rev. Kim Mason [94]
What better time than Women's History month to consider this question: "How much the world adapted to women in power over last 35ish years, and how far we might have to go? Join Rev. Kim as we explore this auction sermon topic.
Sunday March 5th 10am - Sustain the Flame with Rev. Kim Mason [96]
Lewis Henry Lapham said "Money is like fire, an element as little troubled by moralizing as earth, air, and water. [We] can employ it as a tool, or…dance around it as if it were the incarnation of a god." As we kick off our annual p,edge canvass, we consider how are we sustaining the flame of our community.
Order of Service [97]
Sunday February 19th 2023 10am Yes, And... with Rev Kim Mason [98]
There are no mistakes in improvised theater. Rev. Kim reflects on a year and half of improv training and how improv as a practice for life can make us more resilient.
Order of Service [99]
Sunday February 12th 2023 10am Love Can be at the Center with Rev Kim Mason [100]
Our Seven UU Principles have been a guiding force since 1985. Former UUA Moderator Elandria Wililams mentioned that our UU Principles are great but they don't include LOVE. So what would our UU Principles look like if LOVE were at the center? This service will discuss the process to revise the UU Principles.
Order of Service [101]
Sunday February 5th 2023 10am Mission Resilience with Rev Kim Mason [102]
Resilience is the ability to recover from difficulties or challenges. How does our congregational mission statement build resilience for this faith community?
Sunday January 22nd - Ignite the New Year with Rev. Kim Mason [104]
Fire Communion joins our traditions of water communion, cornbread communion, and flower communion. What do you need to release as we enter the new year?
Order of Service [105]
Sunday January 15th - The Man, The Dream, The Movement with Rev. Kim Mason [106]
We honor the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr this Sunday with multigenerational service that tells the story of his life and the civil rights movement.
Order of Service [107]
Saturday December 24th - Saturday December 24th 2022 - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service [108]
The traditional candlelight Christmas Eve service features lessons and carols, followed by cider and cookies in the Fellowship Hall
Order of Service [109]
Sunday December 18th - Children's Christmas Pageant w/ Rev. Kim Mason [110]
Our annual Children's Christmas Pageant features First Unitarian children and youth telling the story of Jesus' birth. Join us for this all ages holiday tradition.
Order of Service [111]
Sunday December 11th - Joy Comes in the Morning with Rev. Kim Mason [112]
Joy is a tool for resilience and resistance. We'll explore how to embrace joy in moments of loss and pain, marginalization and oppression.
Order of Service [113]
Sunday December 4th 2022 - Music Sunday: Seven Joys of Christmas with Rev. Kim Mason [114]
Our annual fall Music Sunday features the First Unitarian Choir performing the Seven Joys of Christmas by Kirke Mechem. Join us for this holiday tradition
November 20th 2022 - Cornbread Communion: Thank You Party with Rev. Kim Mason [116]
What makes Uncle Harry's bread so special? Together we'll find out! We share in a practice of gratitude on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. This is an all ages service and includes our annual cornbread communion.
Order of Service [117]
November 13th 2022 - The Land Has Memory with Rev. Kim Mason [118]
As we face the looming dangers of climate change, what can we learn about climate resilience from the original inhabitants of this land? Rev. Kim shares some of the lessons from the Prairie Group minister's study program.
Order of Service [119]
Sunday November 9th - Remembrance Sunday with Rev. Kim Mason [120]
Grief is proof that love existed. Join us for Remembrance Sunday, when we honor loved ones who have passed away. We will also announce the 2022 First Church Community Fund grant recipients in this service.
Order of Service [121]
Sunday October 23rd - The Ministry of Both/ And, Part III with Rev. Kim Mason [122]
We finish our series on Simone de Beauvoir's Ethics of Ambiguity and explore what she means by "To will oneself free is also to will others free." You can view Parts I & II of this sermon series at [123] and [124]
Order of Service [125]
Sunday October 9th - Inspiring Wonder, Awe and Empathy with Rev. Kim Mason [126]
Religion is derived from the two latin words “re” and “ligare” which means “to reconnect”. As Unitarian Universalists we understand ourselves to be part of the interdependent web of all existence, yet modern life insists on a certain about of disconnection just to survive. What if the role of church was to reconnect us to wonder, awe and empathy?
Sunday October 2nd - The Ministry of Both/ And, Part II with Rev. Kim Mason [124]
We return to Simone de Beauvoire's Ethics of Ambiguity and explore the paradox of having personal freedom yet existing within the constraints of circumstance and how to achieve genuine freedom. You can view Part I of this sermon series at [123]
September 18th, 2022 - After the Storm with Rev. Kim Mason [129]
As fear of the pandemic wanes, we are awakening in more ways to the trauma of the past two years. We revisist Noah for a second week from a lens of recovery and transformation.
Order of Service [130]
September 11th, 2022 - Cloudbursts & Rainbows with Rev. Kim Mason [131]
Our annual Ingathering and Water Communion service kicks off the program year. In light of our recent floods, what does the Biblical story of Noah teach us about resiliency, gratitude and survival?
September 4th, 2022 - Bread and Roses with Rev. Kim Mason [133]
On this Labor Day weekend we reflect on how we support workers and what it means to join in solidarity